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Cape Cod Towns and Villages

There are fifteen Cape Cod towns each with its own unique history, natural beauty and, dare we say, personality. Many of the towns are made up of smaller villages (seven in Barnstable alone) and each of those also has something unique to offer visiting couples.

Starting with Sandwich and Bourne in the west, which to some are almost like distant suburbs of Boston (tens of thousands commute from Cape Cod to Boston every day), to Hyannis in the town of Barnstable, strictly speaking a village, but the closest thing the Cape has to an urban center, and all the way out to Provincetown at the tip, which really is two different towns, one in the summer and another in the off-season.

Cape Cod Town Map

Barnstable Dennis Mashpee Truro
Bourne Eastham Orleans Wellfleet
Brewster Falmouth Provincetown Yarmouth
Chatham Harwich Sandwich

So in this part of the site, we’ll introduce you to each of the individual towns and villages of Cape Cod and give you an overview of what each offers. Look out for links and Insider Tips that will take you to specific areas within those towns that we think couples will enjoy.

Take a look at the map, so you can get your bearings, then click on any of the town names for a link that leads directly to that town’s page. Each town page will then have further links through to individual pages on each of its villages.

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